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  • Writer's pictureMike Spicer

UK General Election - the local economic development cheat sheet is here!

In their UK General Election Special episode, David and Mike set out the questions our aspiring MPs need to answer on local economic development.

UK General Election 2024 sign next to Big Ben

Download your copy of the UK General Election 'cheat sheet' for local economic development!

At LEDC we have published a 'cheat sheet' of priority areas for reform and questions to ask of your local candidates for office. These draw on the insights from the show's past episodes (nearly 50 of them and counting!) and cover:

  1. Implementing mission-based approaches to industrial development from the UK government that focus on the country's strengths

  2. Achieving consistency in national government approaches to local economic development

  3. Ensuring that place-based strategies draw on, and respond to, diverse community perspectives

  4. Securing local right of initiative and meaningful decentralisation of power and resources to transform places

  5. Putting the future of the intermediate tier and multi-tier working on a more stable footing

  6. Changing our discretionary planning system to a rules-based one

  7. Looking outward to connect to economic opportunity and exchange best practice with our partners overseas

Download the full briefing here:


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